We try to price about 65-70% off the current retail value, meaning the "street price" or what it typically sold for new. Luxury items such as Gucci, Prada, Christian Louboutin, etc.) may be priced higher.
We offer you 25-35% of the selling price in cash or 25% more in store credit that never expires. (Example: $10 cash or $12.50 store credit.) Payouts on luxury items are usually higher and we will be competitive with any reseller. Store credit can also be used for tax-free same-day shopping. We cannot split payouts on buys at this time. If you wish to get some credit and some cash, let us know WHEN YOU CHECK IN and we can do two separate buys, one for credit and one for cash if there is enough to do both. You must let us know in advance, BEFORE we start buying, as we cannot split the payment after your items are entered.
Our pricing and payout is standard for the industry but people new to the resale experience are sometimes disappointed by what we can offer. If you are bringing in clothes that sold new for $100, they will likely be priced in the $25-35 range, which would probably pay you out somewhere between $7.50 to $12.25. or $9.38 to $15.31 in store credit. If you have a lot of items and you're looking to clear out and/or trade up, this is a great way to go. However, if you have specific items you want more for, selling on your own may be better for you if you're willing to devote the time. Again, luxury items are priced closer to the current retail value and paid out at a higher percentage of the selling price.